Our Story

Being a bit of a fan of technology and games of all kinds, I purchased a 3d printer to make custom content to improve the gaming experience. That feeling, when you’re playing a game and you think, “Ooh.. you know what would make this better!” is where I’ve firmly set up shop.

The products you see are all items either I’ve created, or have found useful and fun in my own gaming experiences. I’m constantly seeking to add more options for making all my favorite games even better!

We’re a small veteran run business with a focus on responsibility, we recycle all our used filament as well as reusing all packaging materials for a nearly no waste stream business.

Designers and purveyors of top notch custom items to bling out your board/card games and organize your bits better! Feel free to contact us with custom 3D printing requests.

We work with you to turn your imagination into a reality!